The Death of Stalin is a 2017 political satirical comedy written by and directed by Armando Lannucci and co-written by David Schneider,Ian Martin and Peter Fellows. It casts Steve Buscemi( Nikita Khrushchev) , Simon Russel Beale (Lavrenti Beria), Paddy Considine (Andreyev), Michael Palin (Vyacheslav Molotov), Jeffrey Tambor (Georgy Malenkov). The films shows the power struggle in the Soviet union after Stalins death in 1953.
The film was screened at the 2017 Toronto international film festival and received critical acclaim. It was distributed by eONE Films in the UK and by IFC in USA. The film was banned in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
Music was produced by Chris Willis and cinematography by Zac Nicholson. It was edited by Peter Lambert and produced by Gaumont, Main journey and Quad productions.
It ended up making $24.6 million in the box office over its time in it.
Personally I love this film and its one of my favorites of all time. It's combination of witty humor and kind of accurate historical accuracy makes a great combination, especially for people who know some sort of historical context of 1950s Russia. The films doesn't try and implement cringy Russian accents and instead uses the accents of the actors, for example Joseph Stalin has a cockney accent which fits pretty well and accompanies the humor very well. Some things are wrong, for example the timing is different but this just helps the pace of the film along with this people in the film for example the foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov was not foreign minister during the 50s and Georgy Zhukov wasn't a marshal during the 50s and was demoted in the 40s because of Stalin's jealousy.