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Critical theory

Semiotics- Roland Barthes

-The idea that texts communicate their meanings thought the process of signification.

-The ideas than signs can function at the level of denotation, which involves the literal of common-sense meaning of the sign, and at the level of connotation, which involves the meanings associated with or suggested by the sign.

-The idea that constructed meanings can come to seem self-evident, achieving the status of myth thought a process of naturalization.


Narratology- Tzvetan Todorov

-The idea that all narratives share a basic structure that involves a movement from one state of equilibrium to another

-The idea that these two states of equilibrium are separated by a period  of imbalance of disequilibrium.

-The idea that the way in which narratives are resolved can have particular ideological significance.

This is used in both of may films as both follow the ideas of basic narrative and build up to a climax and then resolution.



Structuralism- Claude Levi-Strauss

-The idea that texts can best be understood though and examination of their underlying structure.

-The idea that meaning is dependent upon pairs of oppositions .

-The idea that the way in which these binary oppositions are resolved can have particular ideological significance.

This theory is used in my multinational film as it shows the opposition of light and dark and good and evil.

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